Interest is growing in planning a holiday on Mallorca and the island is slowly opening up its tourist facilities. This is reflected in activity on our website at www.enjoyingmallorca.info which has been very dormant during the peak of the Corona virus but is now attracting a growing number of visitors seeking truly independent advice.
The site lists interesting places to visit and a relatively small number of restaurants selected for good food, fair value and, in most cases, an attractive location. We only include locations that have been visited by several members of our editorial panel. In most cases restaurants do not even know that they are mentioned and they are definitely unable to influence our choice – other than by continuing to offer good food and fair value.
We do not make much mention of food quality in our reviews because it can be assumed for any restaurant we include. We are not trying to be comprehensive in our coverage and many excellent restaurants are not included only because none of our editorial panel has enjoyed a meal there. Absence from this site is therefore no implied criticism, but inclusion implies that the location has been tried and tested by long-term residents – often on many occasions.
This may seem a little unfair to those restaurants we have yet to visit, but even a small town like Cala d’Or can have dozens of restaurants. Other sites attempt to list all of them all but we take a different view. We think that too wide a choice – even when backed by extensive reviews – can add to confusion. Use of our site is comparable to asking a trusted friend for advice about a holiday on Mallorca. It won’t be comprehensive but it should be reliable.
We carefully preserve our independence
That said, enjoyingmallorca.info is a non-commercial site with no revenue operated by a small body of residents who love Mallorca and share a desire to hasten its recovery from the Corona virus shutdown. Our opinions are a fair reflection of our experience when we last visited any establishment but things can change.
We welcome feedback from users of our information and advise caution before any visit because some restaurants are not yet operating as normal. On a recent visit to Menestralia near Inca we were served an excellent meal, but there was only waiter service and the exceptional self-service counter which we list as a special feature of that location was closed.
The attractions we list are gradually re-opening but reservation may be required as visitor numbers are often limited to preserve distancing. We do not have the resources to maintain constant contact with all of the many locations we list so any differences that users of this site care to report to us will help us to make suitable corrections.
To get the most from a holiday on Mallorca outside the tourist traps, it helps to know something about the history of the island. There is an extensive free section on our site which many visitors will find valuable as a quick introduction to the events that moulded the development of Mallorca.
Finally, for leisure moments on holiday it helps to have something really interesting to read. Those who have access to Kindle can upload Enjoying Mallorca the classic story of life on the island written by Pamela Legge. Full details of its content and some of the many reviews in leading newspapers, TV and radio, not to mention thousands of satisfied readers, are reproduced on our other site at www.ggbaker.co.uk.
Hi Gerald
A name from the microfilm 16mm archives…its Ken Hough who after reading all your expertly written articles enjoyed a highly successful career promoting ‘ document management solutions ‘ with blue chip organisations. Good to hear you still happy and enjoying life x Ciao Ken
Thank you Ken and I wish you all the best in these difficult times. Gerald.